Art. 1
Smart Manufacturing Lab Association, also labeled S.M.LAB, is a non-profit and de facto free association, nonpartisan and apolitical, with unlimited duration, regulated by law and by the present document. The Association is located at Torino – Italy, Via Principe Tommaso 49.
Art. 2
The Association has the following purposes:
1. To spread its culture about the metallic and/or polymeric mechanical objects development and production by means of innovative three-dimensional printing techniques;
2. To extend the research and the knowledge of nanotechnologies for the realization of metallic and/or polymeric materials suitable to be used in three-dimensional printed technological devices, for obtaining objects formed by highly innovative structures;
3. To widen the educational and engineering horizon toward the use of nanotechnology and technological tools of three-dimensional printing for realizing innovative mechanical objects, for increasing the operational and functional value of the objects themselves as being good for the person or having a social value;
4. To propose itself as a meeting place and an aggregation factor in the name of scientific research and engineering for the creation of manufacturing processes and objects, through the growth in the search for new materials, new production techniques and new tools for the structural formation of objects, an ideal place for never ending education purposes;
5. To set itself as a reference, observation and research point of the nano-structured materials and structural engineering science, of the device manufacture by means of mechatronic techniques (typically three-dimensional printing) and software and hardware tools to support applied research, development and innovative production;
6. To encourage and promote cultural activities such as: conferences, debates, seminars, simulated environments of production systems;
7. To encourage and promote research activities such as: nano-structured materials applications to three-dimensional printing, structural engineering of objects and applications, new concepts related to the use of new nano-structured materials and three-dimensional printing techniques;
8. To encourage and promote training activities: management of new manufacturing processes by using new materials and three-dimensional printing techniques, qualifications of new objects created by means of new technologies;
9. To encourage and promote publishing activities: publication of new technologies in scientific magazines, publication of conferences and seminars proceedings, as well as the studies and research carried on;
10. To organize promotional activities and other initiatives deemed appropriate for achieving the same purposes;
11. To encourage the creation of organizations or groups having similar interests in all or partial topics, favoring their activities, collaborating with them through the proper connections and even encouraging their membership of the Association.
The Association does not pursue any profit, not even indirect, and does not intend to engage itself in any business or primary or exclusive economic activity.
Art. 3
The Association is open to anyone interested in the realization of its institutional purposes, having technical and scientific qualifications and willing to share its spirit and ideals. They can join the Association as:
1. founding members: persons, organizations or institutions that contributed in a decisive manner, through their work and/or their financial support to the setting up of the Association and its initial endowment;
2. ordinary members: persons, organizations or institutions that are committed to pay for their membership the annual fee as established by the Council;
3. deserving members: persons, organizations or institutions that have contributed in a decisive manner, with their work and/or their financial support, to the setting up of the Association and are inspired by voluntary motivation. They are exempted from payment of the annual fees, are not eligible to executive positions and are not entitled to vote in the General Meeting.
Allowances or membership fees shall not be transferable, except for transfers due to death, and are not subject to revaluation. The division of the members in these categories does not imply any difference in their treatment and in their rights and obligations towards the Association.
Art. 4
The admission of ordinary members, who request it, is decided by the Governing Council considering their technical and scientific qualifications.
Art. 5
All members are required to comply with the provisions of this statute and any internal rules and regulations, established by the competent bodies. If a diverging behavior would undermine the Association’s purposes or assets, the Council will have to intervene and impose the following sanctions: recall, warning, expulsion from the Association.
Art. 6
All members, founders and ordinary, are entitled to vote for the approval and modification of the statute and regulations, and for the appointment of the governing bodies of the Association.
Art. 7
The Association’s financial resources consist of:
– movable and immovable property
– contributions
– donations and legacies
– refunds
– marginal commercial and productive activities
– any other type of revenue.
The initial endowment of the Association consists of the payments made by the founding members.
The contributions of the members shall be the annual membership fees, established by the Governing Council and any extraordinary contribution established by the General Meeting, which determines the amount.
The cash donations, the legacies and bequests are accepted by the General Meeting voting on the use of them, in line with the statutory purposes of the organization.
It is forbidden to distribute profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association, unless the destination or distribution is required by law.
Art. 8
The financial year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st every year.
The Governing Council is to draw up the budget and the final annual balance sheet. The budget must be approved by November 30th and the final annual balance sheet must be approved by ordinary General Meeting every year by April 30th of the following year.
It must be deposited at the Association registered office within 15 days prior to the meeting in order to be consulted by all the members.
Art. 9
The bodies are:
– The General Meeting;
– The Governing Council;
– The President;
– The Secretary-Treasurer.
Art. 10
The General Meeting is the key moment of discussion and contribution, which would ensure the proper management of the Association. It is formed by all the members, each of whom has one vote, regardless of the value of his share.
The ordinary session is called at least once a year, and the extraordinary session whenever it is necessary or requested by the Governing Council.
On first call, the ordinary General Meeting shall be valid and effective if a majority of the members is attending it; on second call the General Meeting is validly constituted regardless of the number of the attending members.
The extraordinary General Meeting resolves, both on first and second call, at the presence and the favorable vote of the majority of the members.
The summons must be done by posting a public notice on the bulletin board of the registered office at least 15 days before the date of the General Meeting and/or by a convocation letter sent to the e-mail or pec address of each member listed in the members’ register.
The General Meeting resolutions should be publicized by filing the minutes of the meeting at the registered office of the Association and/or by transmitting a copy of the same minutes to the each member, via e-mail or pec.
Art. 11
The ordinary General Meeting has the following tasks:
– To elect the Governing Council;
– To approve the budget and final accounts;
– To approve the rules of procedure.
The extraordinary General Meeting resolves on amendments to the Statute and the potential dissolution of the Association.
The General Meeting is chaired by the President of the Association or, in his absence, by the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association.
On opening of each session, the General Meeting shall elect a member as the Secretary of the meeting, who shall sign, in conjunction with the President, the final minutes.
Art. 12
The Governing Council is composed by two members elected by the General Meeting among its members.
The Governing Council shall elect:
– The President, who has the legal representation of the Association, is responsible for all its activities. He summons and chairs the Council. The President is vested with the powers of representation pursuant to art. 36 c.2 of the Italian Civil Code.
– The Secretary/Treasurer handles every administrative aspect of the Association; he has the treasury management, including the relationship with the Credit Institutions; he writes the minutes of the Governing Council meetings and signs them together with the President; he can chair the Governing Council in the absence of the President.
The Governing Council is validly constituted, also by videoconference, when the Secretary is present at the Association registered offices. The members of the Governing Council shall remain in office for three years.
The Governing Council can be revoked by the General Meeting with the unanimity of the members, excluding the vote of the member whose revocation is asked.
Art. 13
The Governing Council is the executive organ and is summoned:
– by the President;
– by the Secretary/Treasurer;
– when a written request is issued and justified by at least 30% of the members.
The Governing Council has all the powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration.
Its tasks for the ordinary management are:
– To prepare the documents to be submitted to the General Meeting;
– To formalize the proposals for the management of the Association;
– To draw up the balance sheet, which must contain all the expenditures and revenues, split item by item, for the period of one year;
– To draw up the budget, which must contain the estimates of all the expenditures and revenues, split item by item, relating to the next year period;
– to determine the amounts of the annual fees of the various categories of members.
Every minutes of the meetings must be communicated to each member in accordance with the way established by article 10 of this Statute.
Art. 14
The dissolution is approved by the extraordinary General Meeting.
The remaining assets of the Association must be donated to associations with similar purposes or for public purposes, heard of the control body under article 3, paragraph 190 of Italian Law n. 662 dated 23/12/96.
Art. 15
The members are entitled to receive the reimbursement of various expenses, correctly documented, which they could have advanced.
The members can work on behalf of the Association and receive an agreed payment.
Art. 16
Other topics not covered by this statute are subject to the applicable Italian law.